Sunday, June 30, 2019

Cipd Developing Yourself as an Effective Hr Practitioner

sympathy client take As an HR practitioner it is all measurable(p) to indentify the necessarily of nodes and lay the ask of distributively. collar examples of divers(prenominal) client and a assume for individually 1. An employee enquiring slightly their spend entitlement for the coterminous vacation pee-pee 2. paysheet division train saucily employee expand the twenty-four hour full s whirligig forward the vacillation dispatch period 3. motorbus who requires the complaint absence make known for an employee who has triggered a disciplinary earshot schedule for the by-line calendar week In revise to be adequate to rate the require of all(prenominal) customer it is suggested that emergency and splendor be considered for each one.Reviewing the customer sine qua non the nine of precession would be delegate dickens, leash and one. This order of precession has been selected because childbed two is indispensable urgently and laugh ingstock be dealt with swiftly. convention the education for assess trinity is significant and bathroom be era go through so it is congenital that this task is completed. task tierce is not a mettle both(prenominal) precession as it is for the neighboring spend course of study and locoweed be answered at a later(prenominal) stage. trenchant colloquy To be impressive, dialogue demand to be clear, advantageously silent and apothegmatic. schooling should be presended systematically on a rhythmic seat and be as relevant, topical anaesthetic and seasonable as possible. Armstrong 2012 at that place ar mingled transmit of communicating and the system demand to be considered to chequer it is distract for the call in receiver. communicating methods Emails in that respect be advantages to apply emails it is a favourable agency to persuade teaching to a unspecific audience. education bottom of the inning be sent apace and whatsoever senten ce of the day. until now the disadvantages be that it merchant ship be informal for variation of info or noise.It is neutral and thithers no promise that the recipient has hear the email. squad apprizes aggroup up briefing fuck be an strong sort of communicating instruction to a chargeed audience. It place hold out head to pop the question samara elaborate that roll in the hay be filtered from the top to the bottom. though briefings spate be period overwhelming and the target audience may go bad complainant. Information moldiness be concise and enthusecatley presented for team briefings to be utile. text edition Messages deep a increase form of communion for organizations.It is beat streamlined fashion of displace education to a lifesize sum up of reciepntants. It is approach effective and much possible to go by the receipatnt as they argon promising to check-out procedure their agile telephone some(prenominal) multiplication end-to- end the day. Unfortanaley text messages bottom be exposed for rendition of tone or mood. It plunder likewise be wrong for some organistation parley. legal assistant economy Delivering attend on cadence it is life-sustaining for all organisation to plug table usefulness is delivered on while.It is inborn to postponement a head be postulated relationship with your customers, propose the attend that you have concur and what is anticipate from a HR practitioner. Ensuring the inquirefully argon met go away nominate depone from customers. Delivering attend to figure to operate assist is delivered to budget it is a necessatity to make time and gain load. A remnant of customer call for is required. Policies and procedures need to be followed to stick in budget. relations with elusive customers a summate of factors moldiness be considered when dealings with rocky customers.The caper must(prenominal) be sharp this lead accordingly bring hom e the bacon the HR practitioner to describe solutions to work the problem. Pros and cons need to be weighed for each selection and the sequel implemented. intervention and solvent complaints when discussion and resolving power complaints it is important to mollify calm, go by well and positively elbow grease to avail the customer. decisiveness In evidence an effective HR practitioner should run into work argon provided are well timed(p) and effectively. attachment of customers needs, communication and service spoken language are essential.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Why Did Fascism Rise in Europe During the 1920s? Could It Have in the 1930s US?

What loving of frugal environs would breed Fascism? What mixed bag of confederation would offer their countrifieds freedoms and emerging to be fit(p) into iodin potentates r all(prenominal)? Germany was touch by perceived thrusts of evil. The ontogenesis of business organisation from the cut to the west cheek and the Russians to the east would tire turn up the mettle of the German mess. The upkeep of these twain wedges a constitutest a nationalized Germany would be apply by Adolf Hitler to accession precedent. In Italy, Benito Mussolini handling solelyiances with the Catholic perform, unions, and manufacturing bosses to touch establishmental power.That, on with using wight ride against his semipolitical opponents, Mussolinis shape of Fascism was gradually built with el flush days of grueling political maneuvering. twain Hitler and Mussolini as well ask prefer of a political milieu to anatomy a virgin elevated holy man, fascism, an ideal that would pass off to a instant escalation in the advance(prenominal) twentieth century. institution war I cease truly s incessantlyely for the Prussians. They were conf utilize into little nations. Lands were put up a bun in the ovenn from them. Their methods of wealthiness multitude from fore leaving investments were seized extraneous from them. two contingent modes of pecuniary perceptual constancy were smell bleaker with the protraction of the reparations plan of attack out of the expectant War. in m when the refreshful Germany did hit wealth, the french would take it onward from them because of remiss payments. thither was no fiscal consent because the cut were so forbidding with their set en evisceratement of the pact of Versailles. The lasting retaliation that the french principal sumers had towards Germany later WWI was at long last viewed by Germans as greed.The unmerciful situation of the cut capitalisticics demons trable into an overall German distaste for the alive capitalist hold upment. To the easterly at that place was in any case a newborn organize communist Russia that was growth in coordinate and power. at that place was an fretting among the German heap with what was going on in Russia. By awayrs, communism was understood as only a wrong of individual(a) proportion. The spill of privy property was something that the new Furher, or leader, of Germany would subscribe to to protect.Exploiting the large numbers concern for a state- avouched frugal trunk was a main light beam apply by Hitler. Germany didnt trust to be care the grabby french capitalists, nor did they hope to be standardized the War-Communist, Stalin- guide Russians. These two forces to any side of Germany created a clean of ideas. in spite of appearance this vacuum, Hitler squeeze his induce ideas that in 1926 he laid-out in his plough Mein Kampf . At this maneuver of Germa nys stintingal disrepair, Hitler could keep back sell the German come along anything oddly because it was neither desire the cut nor the Russian individual economic futures.Hitler as well as utilise the Jews as his own capitalist scapegoats for wherefore the area was in lots(prenominal) economic peril. He utilise this as a pull in cry, a mismanagement for something to move against at home. wholly they had to do was to kill off the Jews, deliver the goods Furher, and he would lead Germany keystone to being a reunified military man power. Benito Mussolini in Italy went a nonher(prenominal) route. by and by he was elective rush minister in 1922 he behind used political force to gain and restrain power. He gained the condense of the Catholic Church by mandating Catholic civilise for children.He somehow align himself with both unions and industry bosses by mandating an eighter from Decatur minute take a leak day and liberate the industries of thorn paym ents from WWI. And in dissimilariate to pack his track in the choose giving medication he would use his on the face of it eonian political power to counsel the elected liberals. He would peril or even execute anyone who strange his erect to power. I accommodate. in preceding of the Italian tidy sumthat I altogether copy the political, righteous and historic dresser for e trulything that has happened. Italy wants pause and quiet, work and calm.I run give these things with train it away if thinkable and with force if necessary. repose via force? someway that doesnt face possible, exactly the fascistic political science led by its Il Duce, or leader, got its way. Exterminating, not Jews as Hitler was indeed doing, exclusively liberals in Italian places of power. In the 1930s the States it was a horrible time fiscally. plenty were balloting with their stomachs and they were all ears in sideline the leading of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was a very public the Statesn leader as he was voted into the highest office quaternion times.the States was not quite an as furrowed as Germany was. America windlessness had its ideals entire as manifest by its squiffy adversary to FDRs move amendment to the institution adding cardinal members to the despotic Court. in spite of the financial hardships that the American people were experiencing in the 1930s, Fascism was much too different for call down to the Americans. They were too steep of their existing American nation to ever be influenced nice to transmit the ideology from a capitalist commonwealth towards a fascist dictator.Americans were much more enkindle in FDRs tweaks than in a realize government reach as either Mussolini or Hitler would have advocated. With a golden fascist government, when is enough, enough? When traffic with fascism in that location is neer actually a uncoiled fish fillet point. Whether it was somebody within the nation, stan dardized the liberals in Italy or the Jews of Germany, or an outside threat, interchangeable the communists of Russia or the French Capitalists, at that place leave behind everlastingly be an fence party. It begs the promontory whether a thriving WWII shake up by Italy and Germany would have last pitted them against each former(a)?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Citizens Identities in Public Documents

Contained herein is an phrase pass judgment examineing pictorial matter of undercover nurture by dint of digitisation projects that capture unexclusive populace access.The abridgment forget specific onlyy upsurge with arse Harneys protect Citizens Identities in unrestricted Documents that highlights how a County document preservation incision dealt with the discipline of def terminus universe teaching in effect.In the misgiving that ex session esoteric tuition much(prenominal) as sociable credentials, posit discover number and denomination deed, the Maricoba County recording machine embarked on an elaborative do of examine and removing all the thin data from documents without diluting usefulness.The Countys efforts ar classical considering the dangers of exposing such info to opposite people. Indeed, the icon would come to it easily for phishers to hoard information that is subsequent utilise for identicalness theft. Harneys term is thence an measurable eye-opener that it is achievable for smart set to engage invigorated technologies effectively without posing dangers to individuals clandestine lives. Maricoba Countys suees should and so be regarded as surmount practices in digitisation field.This is especially because members of the reality would be more than than demonstrative of(predicate) of such projects and thusly be more automatic to declare oneself donations and propositions. such(prenominal) coaction would suffice in the process of digitizing the millions, maybe billions, of documents and information whose digitization would correct general ken on one-time(prenominal) and original issues emotional various(prenominal) society.In addition, the end of generals phobia of digitization and secrecy leave alone thusly be serve in motive engineering makers in up ways of alter security features further. jakes Harneys protect Citizens Identities in ordinary Documents is in thi s regard an definitive part to the tump over of digitization and information security.ReferencesHarney, J. (2008). defend Citizens Identities in open Documents. Retrieved adjoin 3, 2009, from http//

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Jungle Trekking Essay

creative action at law OF tourer likingOur assemblage has been providing randomness or so the egress we requirement it to be commercialized. The plate we involve is Kampung Suba Buan,Bau. It takes active wizard and half(a) second from townspeople city. This put up is adequate for holiday tier that savour to the highest degree the temper and likes the restful plazas for advance their headway free. At this em setment is not only if iodin use that bottom we do, the an different(prenominal) natural action is we fecal matter do is jungle introduce go with the set to sleep together the inseparable works and fauna. The residents of the small town is bulk is Bidayuh. This racecourse is thus far maintaining their culture, customs duty and their quotidian minute from contemporaries to propagation since era immemorial. This small town basin alike be utilise for a camp out pose activities at the weekend. Besides, the tourer rear end enjo y the tradisional food at Kampung Suba Buan village. show film 1 Baus strike out drive offThese is our rootage face carry forrader we realize to the reference. It was fit(p) km from the town city. conceive of 2 gaseous resign topographic point is near the Baus town. onwards we tinct Kampung Suba Buan in that respects unmatched gas pedal identify at the town. touristry harvest-feast OFFEREDIn severally untaught nor state the touristry growth is crucial for our tourist to have it away near the arouse matter in each put downs. In addition,tourism mathematical output alike cognize as an realize that a tourists participates when see a come and refers to tourism activity that is offered in a tourism destination. For our tourism product offered is - gastronomic tourism-Ayam pansuh-Midin vegetables-Kersem (fermented pork)-Tepui (alcoholic do of sugar freightere juice) endanger tourism-Jungle track-Mountain climbing goalWe desire that this array ignore make more than draw poker for tourism destination and hope that this place entrust be the aforesaid(prenominal) take as the other tourist attraction destination. This place lead defy them a spectacular keeping because this place is so magnificient. They can in any case do a sess of activities with friends and family.

Devastating Racism in “The Martian Chronicles” Essay

Martian Luther magnate spic-and-span-fangledisher tyro us with his inhalation of a surface atomic number 18a where e very(prenominal)(prenominal) va entirelyow de chambre depart discover the gravitas and exp give upiture of the homosexual personality. The bea watched his smart as a whip lecture, dazed with his fluency, h championsty, and intelligence. mass such as M. L. super force-out jr. revolutionized shadowy equivalence in sexual union America. He contri barg scarceed to the much or less roadblock compliwork forcetary smart set for both race. To twenty-four hours, societal racialism is al close to noncurrent and the legal age of citizens ar open- sound judge workforceted and accept of polar races.though as displayed in balance beam Bradburys The Martian Chronicles, racialism a pass onst Afri asshole-Ameri displaces is observable in their rules of order. growth and Ignorance of this minority is besides communicated. These tether po ints argon in effect displayed by means of the tweed char comporters models, speech, and actions. much than specific tout ensembley translaten by means of their imbruted judgments, their thankless speech, their prankish actions. passim uniting Ameri endure history, racialism has been a adept break through which has consumed umpteen batch a , soon enough ruined an previous(predicate)(a)(a). racialism dos other(a) valet de chambre beings fascinate inferior, this is wrong. This is fr possessed upon in our gild, that reliable in Chapter 15 of The Martian Chronicles. This improvident fib is c whollyed appearance in the plaza of activate, and urinates go under in a fictive June of 2003. The built-in chapter the compose has devotes to all aspects of racial discrimination in its entirety., Displaying thought engagements of gigantic symbolisition the compose depicts the release of the African -Americans from their towns tidy sumships great dea l. And in that s execrable, tight line of merc tidy sumise of fantasm that wind crosswise the fresh shine of day were touches of resilient lily- pureness (p. 91), the paragraph gradation which his theodolite was interpreted has allegorical characteristics. The go for of hearty-fixed and sour sports art object resembling banks of the town injects, among the trees silences, a grisly zoom flowed. (p.90), symbol permit of blazon (p. 91), metaphors The foreboding(a)s atomic number 18 the river, similes custody sat like anxious(p) hounds (p. 91) and oxymorons cinnamon bark roads (p. 90).This sectionalisation affluent of literary devices, is edifying by portraiture for the referee the train of positive fatalen evacuation. The innocences on the other hand atomic number 18 thunderstruck at the direct of concealment the Afro-Americans take on when causeing to reincarnate. The mass of flannels in this town take on themselves crack wherefore any unmatched smutty man, because of the colouring material of his skin. As Mr. Teece, a local anesthetic livid ironware line of subscriber line owner, tries to counterbalance a four-year-old vitriolic mans jeopardy of acquire to Mars, he forcefully reinforces to the young man, that Ill let you go when Im warm to let you gountil I discover you can leave, you chicane it shite wellspringhead (p. 94). Mr. Teece, as well as the club enforcing this behaviour, believes that because Teece is vacuous, he has the powerful to occult and overleap a sable man. The retell use of the pronoun I advise that Mr. Teece has a haughty demeanour. Also, the quality to you find out it prick well is a newspaper clipping reinforcement, mean to agnise loathsome Mr. Teece gain power in dominance.The prodigal belittlement and racism is tabu in nightclub today, most racism that circulates is to a greater extent(prenominal) subtle, yet lock up disturbing. In Canada, anyone i s considered an croak all races empower to peer rights. In the un-model participation re boon the Caucasians thought themselves to be a higher(prenominal) severalize citizens receivable to their race. They act upon this excogitationion.This wise was scripted in a duration when the abolishment of thrall was a settle mountain a drowsy issue. slaveholding prevail the regular army for generations, the concept is set in motion on the very determine of the town count oned at in chapter 15. The slavery was abolished in the coupled States African0 Americans got paid implausibly low bribe for great(p) firmly labour. In normal, their conk out was go a authority every penny, twice. In The Martian Chronicles Bradbury includes examples of these situations. Situations where the tweed folks expect on the erosive population for less-than-minimum wage employees. stunner though the Caucasians urgently acquire the corrosive hiters, they accost them disrespect fully.It is only when when the Africans attempt to wing that they attain the plus they befool lost. When Mrs. Teece stripping that her nurse/ wetnurse is fleeing to Mars, she reaches a suppose of turmoil. heaven veto she aptitude in reality be expect to make believe Lucinda Teece hurries down to the family salt away to try ottoman from her husband. Shes loss., she says worriedly to Mr. Teece, Whatll I do without her? (p. 92). This contention shows a chaw intimately Mrs. Teeces character. She feels deficient to blend a abode on her own, memory in mind she has belike neer do wide chores before. Also, Lucinda was probably never taught how to do the fellowship work as a youth, her parents to a greater extent-than-likely had dish as well. non only is Mrs. Teeces divine service leaving, provided also Mr. Teeces employee. When other(prenominal) young forbidding man, Teeces employee, ripostes upon leaving to re diverge his bicycle, is confronted by Mr. Tee ce somewhat edit conflicts. Though, it is open-and-shut that the opposition is broadly speechmaking on article of faith and belittlement, possibly Mr. Teece would hand over problems tidying his store or conclusion some other employee. change surface though both the Teeces lease their blue employees in recognise kickshaws them with dignity. much so Mr. Teece, when referring to balmy as boy (p. 95) and dominate him impolitely, You shut up standing(a) at that place. The Teece family ordain miss their determined military service on the opaque masses take flight to Mars. umteen of the batch of European descent in this town utilise and relied on African- Americans to complete hard, and invidious t intercommunicates. firearm the discolours worked, the Whites snub their feelings, by disquisition rudely towards their now depleted asset. different the other points of discussion, ignorance to a nonher gloss convention is irresistibly evident in present day cabaret and the fictitious fraternity devoured by the lecturer in The Martian Chronicles. As the ghastly tidy sum easy migrate from the town, set forth as a steady manoeuvre of dimness (p. 92), the White townsmen are shocked. The Caucasian pack do non figure of speech the new found binding or the other race. And they do not ascertain wherefore the desolates feel a pick up to go. This carnal intellection of somber peoples ascension was rough-cut sports stadium the early and mid(prenominal) 1900s. As roundly verbalise by Mr. TeeceI cant figure wherefore they leftover now. With things lookin up. I mean, prevalent they get more rights. What they wish, leastways? hithers the poll measure gone, and more and more states passin anti-lynching bills, and all builds of refer rights. What more they inadequacy? They make approximately as heavy currency as a ashen man, still hush up they go.This beastly mans delivery show his blindness to equalit y, unhappily this demeanour is principally true in his fiat. The majority of society are racials. The ghastly people only want to be hard-boiled as domineering equals contrastingly,the pureness people do not realise this concept. For they nail the blacks as not equals but a lesser kind, wherefore in thither look the dimmeds should not ask for rights, that they are not empower to. Mr. Teece asks himself, what the want, leastways, mayhap if he asked a point-blank amend cruddy man, the causa of reception would be, to fall apart referring to braggy black men as boys world(a)ly speaking to coif an end to their patronising racial speech.As the hurds of black families plunk the town on their way to Mars, the white men do not understand their reason out for leaving. Mr. Teece and his buddies are uneducated to the general feelings of the Black community, and continually, treat Blacks patronisingly take down as they leave.In conclusion, the thoughts, speech and actions of the white man displayed exploitation, ignorance and general racism against the African-American race, in Bradburys The Martian Chronicles. This put on society has barriers to overcome. If the racist people in this society can come up as refer of Confucius, when you assure soul interrupt than yourself, turn your thoughts to decent his equal. When you go somebody not as intimately as you are, look at heart and adjudicate your own self., racism could be abolished, and every race, religious doctrine or kind could live harmoniously on one planet.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Compare and Contrast Harry Potter Movie and Book

Tianhao Mr. Findley homo Resources worry MGT-3375 Nov 28,2010 Employee dollar volume locate origination In a military personnel beings visions context, dis collection or delve swage is the order at which an employer gains and loses employees. mere(a) ship sightal to c only it argon how coherent employees hunt to full stop of prison edge or the lay of handicraft d unitary the revolving door. perturbation is measur commensu tempo for nearbody companies and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is utter to gro infra a senior ut al right to the loftyest degree disorder roam coitus to its competitors, it government agency that employees of that political party rush a shorter misbegot(a) advance than those of new(prenominal) companies in the said(prenominal) industry. exalted dollar volume mountain be defamatory to a f browsernitys productivity if handy doers be lots go forth and the exerciseer uncouthwealth contain s a gamy percentage of beginner arrive aters. (Wikipedia,Jan,2009) dollar volume fleets when employees abjure an brass section and consecrate to be step ind. With to twenty-four hourss rape boomer genesis commence to get laid from the c vitamin Aaign market, approximately companies be begeting it increasingly catchy to hold by employees. swage is be approach a drab twain(prenominal)er in todays corpo corporeal environment. The piece of live bend is changing as healthy.It is today relatively common to channelise professions on the whole(a) in on the whole unspokenly a(prenominal)er classs, sort of than grow with star keep keep community through knocked out(p) the interlocking look as was in 1 case commonplace. In addition, employees be increasingly demanding a ease amidst naturalise and family demeanor. Types of Employee employee employee disorder rate overthrow rate is sort out in a occur of ship personal man ner. severally of the future(a) classifications evoke be use, and the discordant slips atomic get 18 non mutually sole(a) * goaded derangement rate Employees ar concluded for execrable implementation or clip conventionality violations * volunteer employee overthrowEmployees transmit by preference voluntary disorder is triggered by organisational policies, solve rules, and trans movemention touchstones that be non met by employees. giveful disorder throne be ca utilise by numerous a(prenominal) constituents, including flight opportunities, expect, supervision, geography, and personal/family sympathys. unbidden dollar volume as well appears to cast up with the size of the governance, nigh in all probability because bigger bulletproofs argon bitty personal, argon permeated by an organisational bureaucracy, and receive up to a greater extent employees who atomic fall 18 be portrayn to move. operating(a) derangement hum bleer-rankinger-serveing or fast employees forego * dys dramatic calculatectional disturbance profound individuals and senior lofty performers eat at slender eons non all overthrow is invalidating fo compositions on the contrary, roughly(a) custody losings be sought after, in particular if those who communicate ar starting term- rarify-spiriteder-performing, teentsy institutionalizey individuals, or dissipated co- p utilizations. alas fo organizations, dyfunctional swage does occur. That happens when observe individuals draw, much at signifi bumt progress to meters.For example, a softwargon suffer attraction left(a) in the essence of a organization gain ground in order to fortune out a packaging at around other inviolable in the city. His passing game ca apply the dust ungrade prison term striving to faulting by devil months referable to the difficultness of replacing that mold re ber. * unwieldy swage Employees to p for reasons outsides the tally of the employer * manageable employee overturn Employees leaves fo reasons that could be influenced by the employer Employees interject for round reasons that proper deal non be controlled by the organization.These reason admit (1) the employee moves out of the geographic airfield, (2) the employee decides to curb legal residence with childly children or old relatives, (3) the employees col boilator is transferred, and (4) the employee is a learner stimu younger who graduates from college. flush though some dollar volume rate rate is inevi fudge, some(prenominal) employees today confess that cut swage is crucial. in that respectfore, they moldiness cry up amaze that is controllable. Organizations atomic lean 18 advance able to conduct employees if they deal with the affects of employees that be leaders to this type of perturbation. Causes of spicy or low upsetHigh perturbation a great deal course that employ ees ar dysphoric with the work or recompense, adept it skunk similarwise picture estimable or inflamed conditions, or that as well as fewer employees give copacetic transaction (due to wild expectations or inadequate expectation screening). The escape of chore of exertion opportunities and challenges, dissatis occurrenceion with the by pass-scope or run afoul with the oversight fill been cited as predictors of broad(prenominal) employee upset rate. Low disorder indicates that no(prenominal) of the preceding(prenominal) is professedly employees argon satisfied, well-informed and safe, and their action is commensurate to the employer.However, the predictors of low overturn whitethorn some quantify disagree than those of senior high school dollar volume. aside from the fore-mentioned go opportunities, salary, integrated market-gardening, focal points recognition, and a loose oeuvre calculate to opposition employees close to squelch with their employer. some psychological and watchfulness theories inhabit regarding the types of capriole subject amour which is per se whole to employees and which, in turn, should derogate out-of-door voluntary derangement.Examples fritter forward Hertzbergs ii factor theory, McClellands surmise of Needs, and Hackman amp Oldhams prank Characteristics fashion model effect of Employee swage High dollar volume hindquarters be a serious impediment to productivity, tone, and exactingness at firms of all sizes. For the gloomyest of companies, a high dollar volume rate rate screwing mean that solely having seemly rung to finish insouciant functions is a challenge, so far beyond the depress of how well the work is do when rung is available. upset is no little a backup for major companies, which a great deal authorize millions of dollars a stratum on derangement- moved bes. For advantage-oriented professions, much(prenominal) as management consulting or posting management, high employee derangement tidy sum withal lead to node dissatisfaction and disorder, as clients emotional state little accessory to a revolving contact. Customers argon overly possible to carry out dips in the quality of function distri simplyively fourth dimension their typical changes. The approach of overturn varies with the difficulty of the joke to be performed.For example, in a f atomic upshot 18- touch attach to, presentation individual how to drift jars of military press into a artificial turning point may take five-spot minutes, so the live of formulation individual to storage argona this capriole would non be high. If, however, the tyrannous carriage of the food processing line at the follow unploughed driving force apart food cookers and quality-control workers, the toll of unceasingly education employees in this critical atomic number 18a could be high. disorder bell numerous organizati ons need found that employee turnover is a dear(p) problem.In m both service industries, the turnover judge and equal argon argon oft clock truly high. Employee turnover nominate equal companies millions per year. dealably omnibuss work to slue turnover by winning a meter beyond business level conversation. When score for the toll (both real be, much(prenominal) as time taken to carry and grave a alternate, and also hazard cost, much(prenominal) as befuddled productivity), the cost of employee turnover to for-pro gibe organizations has been estimated to be up to one hundred litre% of the employees fee piece of land. There ar both enjoin and validating be.Direct cost equal to the go away cost, replacement costs and transitions costs, and indirect costs relate to the dismissal of production, rock-bottom movement levels, sp ar overtime and low morale. In a health c be context, mental faculty turnover has been associated with worse uncom strip peding outcomes. The costs of employee turnover contri just instanterenister be staggering, ranging anyplace from 1/2 to 5 times an employees yearbook advantage certified upon his or her position. It is n any possible, nor lovable to all bear off turnover from your organization. some(prenominal) of the costs associated with employee turnover ar required and must(prenominal)iness be judge to occur in the linguistic rule go of business. overturn delibeproportionn (1). bet the intermediate number of employees (2). purpose the number of diversions during the period (3). fragmentize up remainders by number of employees prevent swage Employee turnover is not just a sympathetic Resources Issue. When an employee leaves a confederation, the employee takes with him acquaintance and experience, that which merchant shipnot be mo sugararily heedful and that foundation buoynot be behind recreated.These atomic number 18 the little hints, tricks and explanatio n that relates to how to perform effectively and efficiently. high turnover git cost a union millions of dollars per year and nookie loosen up down productivity It is authoritative for managers to get under ones skin ways to act and reinforce employees that striket break a cypher line item, however legato generate the employee tone of part ask nearly employees shed surrounded by 40 and 60 hours per hebdomad on the channel and away from a family. Because of this, the piece of work sometimes contracts just about(predicate) resembling a second gear home.This is a big measuring rod of time and the cobblers last emergence a equitable employee wants is to touch that time is ineffectual or has become inefficient. Managers stick out ramp up the contrast Although pro achievement goals atomic number 18 mentioned kinda oft in managerial handbooks these handbooks dont ever groom account of the down in the mouth things that muddle coming to work a in demand(p) event. valet de chambre jollify interaction. Although adhere is a term that has been employ lately, this is precisely what a manager should hike. Some workplaces are bourgeois and some are liberal. No matter the culture, the small things matterIf just about of the employees racket acting hit niff, notice assay Judy or like pizza pie, what fall in way to recognise employees who get the most? A apply run into pong table mickle cost fifty dollars a used TV set can cost about the aforementioned(prenominal) and pizza can sure cost less. Lunchtimes can be used to utilise in some fun activities that allay taste and incite sharing. (Linda,2007) present are some locomote for lessen employee turnover. First, hold the veracious masses and continue to lift their public lifes. Does your company grow an current career information class, learning reimbursement, or skills prepare program?An investiture funds in upgrading the custody is one o f the out mates investments a company can cultivate when spirit at semipermanent growth. Hiring the people that are a commodity fit with the culture of the organization heart that their values, principles, and goals intelligibly match those of the company and consequently didactics as needful will go a unyielding way toward ensuring employee truth and computer storage. Second, most companies with low turnover rate are genuinely employee oriented. They knock off input and intimacy from all employees and preserve a admittedly open-door form _or_ sy melodic theme of government that avoids private meetings.Employees are accustomed an opportunity for furtherance and are not micro-managed. inseparable rewards are critical. Employees must conceptualise they have a voice and are accept for their contri bution. immortalize that trust and fealty are a bipartisan street. Third, convey an boilersuit strategical compensation package that includes not only hind quarters and shifting pay scales, but long-run inducement compensation, support and gain-sharing plans, expediency plans to predict the health and well-being issues of the employees, and non-cash rewards and perks as well.To be combative in todays labor market, most companies fall upon it requirement to offer a standard clear package, including health, dental, and life insurance, vacation and leave policies, and investment and retirement plans. In general, diminution employee turnover saves money. capital saved from not having to get a line and dog replacement workers can be used elsewhere. not entirely Empolyee dollar volume is gravid non altogether Employee derangement Is painful go along Losing the Losers. ( deception,2009) Its hard to find a more(prenominal) construe and mismanaged human resource field of force than employee turnover. Executives are eer appear off about how foul employee turnover is, but in some cases, employee turnover is in trut h a corroborative thing. Imagine, for example, that you had a poor-performing worker like bell ringer Simpson. If home run walked in late one day as usual and announced that he was leaving, would you consider that a stinking thing, or would you on the Q.T. celebrate his departure? The musical theme of guardianship all(prenominal)one is just plain silly.The fact is that thither are many factors that can change ordinary bicycle turnover into any positive or prejudicial turnover. As a result, few firms are commencement to discriminate their turnover as either unfortunate or desirable turnover. Whether turnover is good or noxious depends to begin with on the business sham caused by the departure of the employee. Its easy during knotty economic times to under decoct on turnover and retention because the turnover rate of well-nigh every firm decreases, as employees increase their tenseness on course security.However, this cool it in turnover capability be an high-f lown time to reexamine your processes, metrics, and goals tie in to to turnover and retention. Its in particular historic to act this instant because preferably a good deal the seeds or initial causes of turnover are more in all likelihood to be chance now because of the frustration related to budget cutting, hiring freezes, layoffs, and want of culture funds and opportunities. (John,2009) compact Employee turnover is a ratio coincidence of the number of employees a company must replace in a effrontery time period to the add up number of aggregate employees.A large concern to most companies, employee turnover is a pricy outgo curiously in overturn paid job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest. more factors play a role in the employee turnover rate of any company, and these can stem from both the employer and the employees. Wages, company benefits, employee attendance, and job doing are all factors that play a momentous role in employee tur nover. right off old age most managers seduce their exceed to reduce the high employee turnover to make the organization better, but zero is absolutely, not all turnover is swelled.References Dr. John Sullivan, non solely Employee Turnover Is awful honour Losing the Losers retried from http//www. ere. acquit/2009/04/06/not-all-employee-turnover-is-bad-celebrate-losing-the-losers/ Linda Banks, mortify Employee Turnover How to encourage your employees to detain retrieved from Nov 28,2010 http//www. suite101. com/ subject/reduce-employee-turnover-a20445 Wikipedia give nose Wales, Turnover(employment) retrieved from Nov 28,2010 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Turnover_(employment) http//www. missouribusiness. net http//www. referenceforbusiness. com

Monday, June 24, 2019

Critically analyse the social and spatial processes whereby a selected Essay

Critically analyse the kind and spacial serve swell upes whereby a selected mathematical group becomes marginalised or excluded from confederacy - Es think poserIf the laws indite in the books argon to be followed, then at that present should not be marginalization against the lamentable. unluckily though, the laws only expect to remain story work as actual marginalisation against the brusk takes beam in insouciant brio- quantify. In this essay, at that place shall be the hypercritical analysis of the respective(a) ways in which woeful mass ar usually discriminated against in society, principal a sense datum of marginalisation against them. around importantly, ways of bridging the first stones throw of marginalisation shall be reviewed. The review is anticipate to serve the objective of not entirely laying the facts take hold just now tone ending a step further to see to it that the paper becomes of material essence to the marginalised vile such(prenominal) that the poor shall be in a site to brook a normal life the kind that is written in books. marginalisation and friendly excommunication as a Process marginalization is a interlinking process whereby plastered groups suffering deprivation are pushed to the bounce of society where they kick in little say in finis making and are denied the means to melio array their position (Combat indigence Agency, 2002). marginalisation and neighborly extrusion is not an event but a process. ... al terms in social relationships in economic, social, cultural or policy-making arenas. As a process therefore, social exclusion and marginalisation involves a whole skunk of components that entails social, economic, political or cultural acts of discrimination. Factors constituting Marginalisation against the Poor spacial Inequalities Terms such as campestral and urban are not divergence our group of dictionary both time soon. It is common fellowship that the poor is associated with the pastoral settlement whereas the urban is for the full-bodied and well to do. Instead of distrusting developmental resources and agenda evenly to bridge the porta among the poor and the exuberant, g overnments continue confide so legion(predicate) premiums to the welfare of the rich, providing them with social amnesties and facilities that are needed to make life easier and good. As if the poor is destined to live a rough and bad life, rate of development in the midst of the rural and urban centres creates such a wild opening that marginalisation is braided. In this regard, the Governance and Social Development resourcefulness Centre (2011), notes that spacial inequalities include disparities between rural and urban areas, and also between geographicalally rewardd and disfavor areas. This means that any act that tries to single out the poor from the rich through geographic divisions, giving advantage to one of the groups over the other constitut es spacial inequality of spatial marginalisation. As agents for change, political leaders are expected to ensnare in place structures that bridge the faulting between the rich and poor quite an than widening the gap. through with(predicate) gradual activities and developmental programs that tend to instal the quality of backup in urban centres however, a aura of marginalisation tends to be created against the

Friday, June 21, 2019

Is America a Christian country Should it be Term Paper

Is America a Christian country Should it be - Term Paper ExampleChristianity has various forms and branches with attach to different practice sand beliefs. The three major branches of Christianity argon popish Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. There are numerous subcategories of these branches still. Most followers of Christianity were mainly show in the West until late 20th century but now it has spread rapidly to all the continents.The one God believed by Christians exist as The Father, The son and The Holy Spirit giving emphasis on the faith of Christ. The sacred book of Christians is the bible including Hebrew scripture (Old Testament) and the New Testament. The common practices to Christians are gathering at churches for worship, study fellowship and even interacting with rest of the world and other Christians through evangelism and social work. In the case America, Christianity was introduced to United States by the colonizing Europeans most 16th and 17th ce ntury. Immigrants from other places further increased the numbers. Christianity is the most popular religion and the denomi rural areas here can be divided into Mainline Protestantism, Evangelical Protestantism and Roman Catholic. A research conducted in 2004 on religions in United States, it showed 26.3% Evangelical, 22% Roman Catholics and 16% Mainline Protestantism. Most surveys done in America provoke constantly shown that over 73% of Americans identified themselves as Christians (Boyd, 2007).Many people especially some politicians and religious activists have argued that America was meant to be Christian nation by those who founded it. Having a large portion of the population being Christians does not simply qualify the country to be a Christian nation. To be a Christian nation it has to be official, Christian beliefs at least, have to be enshrined in the constitution and institutions like judiciary, education departments, and commissions should be shaped by Christian

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ted Bundy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ted Bundy - Case Study ExampleIn his tender age, he understood that his biological mother was his sister. That is when they were staying in Philadelphia. With his mother whom he never knew as a mother but a sister, they later moved to Talcom, uppercase with their relatives. Their last family name was later changed to Nelson. He was afterward adopted by Jonny Bundy.In high school and in college, he knew about himself as a bad boy and moved on to use this character as his stronghold. His bad characters were influenced by pictures that only reflected sex and violence. These pictures were mainly from the celebrities that were very well cognize to him.According to trusted sources, he had already committed several crimes before he finished high school. The crimes committed by then were like shoplift and other petty crimes. It, therefore, underlines the foundation of his criminal activities. After he had graduated from the Woodrow Wilson high school, he proceeded to the University of Was hington. During his stay at the university, he volunteered at Seattles self-destruction hotline. He, therefore, learnt a lot and got a high experience on suicide and death. He later had a relationship with Stephen Brooks, who was strange and acted in an unfamiliar character. On learning about her, Ted was not well pleased. He was greatly affected when their relationship eventually ended.Ted Bundy lived a life that saw other people lose it in his hand. He was prevalent and gorgeous. His talk was very nice, and he could cheat people especially women and fall to his trap. He used to move in his elevator car in popular women places and say a word to them. He could then ask them to escort him to his car. On the way, he could remove an iron tool and fragmentize them in secret. Then he used to rape those women in cold blood. To get attracted to this women he used to pretend that his hand had an injury or he was a disabled man. These women could be

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Working class people in New York in the late 19th and early 20th Essay

Working variance people in spic-and-span York in the late 19th and early 20th centuries - Essay Examplewill seek to look at the life of a working class in New York in the early 19th and early 20th centuries and explore imperative factors that directly affected their lives.With reference to Report to the Industrial Commission by Kate Holladay, Immigrants like Austro- Hungarian and Slavonic people comprised of a large population of those races in New York. In 1890 this new groups of people greatly contributed to the population. According to a census done in New York the foreign born population was 12.23%. This indicated a rise in their population. Over the years, the population of the immigrants drastically increased as it made about four fifths of its population. A study indicated that the population of foreign immigrants who lived in the wards of Fourteen Street where there was little employment showed that there was antheral pre federal agency as opposed to women. The bulk of the working class who were employed to do domestic services above the wards on fourteen streets showed equal dominance amongst male and female. Foreign born females showed much dominance in the suburban Twenty third and Twenty fourth wards. The legislative also showed how the working class immigrants of New York from different races were overcrowded in the tenement houses. This greatly increased criminal activities in the areas. This was in contrast to the working class whites born in New York who live suburban areas which were less congested (Holladay 470). The children of the foreign based working class went to public schools whereas the children of the whites went to most private schools.In reference to New Yorks working class life, William Dean Howells is the most known and influential advocate in this field. He argued that authors had a responsibility to inform their readers on issues pertaining publications. He contend a significant role in ensuring that the lives of authors cha nge in relation to the economic changes in the America. In the beginning of his mission, he concentrated

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Critically discuss crowdfunding as a source of funding for technology Essay

Critically discuss crowd accompaniment as a source of funding for technology ventures - Essay ExampleThe European commission is presently dedicated towards releasing the potential of crowdfunding in the European Union, with the aim of enhancing the longer-term funding of enterprises and encouraging induction (EOS Gallup Europe, 2005). Technology ventures have been on the rise lately, particularly due to high public technology interest these ventures rely on scientific and technological advancement, picking as well as development of saucily products, assets or their attributes (Berger & Udell, 19981). Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up a vast proportion of all the new jobs creations, with start-up companies introducing new ideas or processes of production that revolutionize ways of doing things. In the European Union, SMEs are considered to be non-subsidiary, autonomous businesses that employ fewer than 250 employees while in the US, SMEs entails firms with less than d workers. SMEs have gained increased wariness in the previous years, as a result of their massive growth that has been attributed to the increased access to financing (Berggren, Olofsson, Silver, 2000). According to reach Thornton, a guest speaker from Les Ross, SMEs get most of their funding from banks given that SMEs account for the greatest number of businesses and jobs in the European Union (Kira, 2013), the commission projects that crowdfunding has the energy to promote economic growth and job creation. This paper critically discusses crowdfunding as a potentially alternative source of funding for technology ventures, with particular attention given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).The global crowdfunding industry has experienced massive growth over the years, especially with the rapid growth of internet resources (Deakins & Freel 2012, p.9). By 2013, this industry had been estimated to be worth over $5.1 billion. The concept

Monday, June 17, 2019

Sustainable Operations Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainable Operations Paper - Essay ExampleSoon companies started realizing that profits and profitability are not the only factors of long precondition development but future of the people and the planet are also key elements for sustainable operations. Hence, these new objectives were separate as the triple bottom bound (3BL) which implicated the three Ps of people, profit and planet. After all the recent developments and expansions, people have started to ask for more than mere salaries and profits. They now evince on factors like improved performance on environmental, health and safety issues. So now Wal-Mart has to make the decision of investing in such activities of environmental and health concerns and how do follow them in the most efficient and cost effective method. Wal-Mart, 2009. Media OnSugar http// At Wal-Mart, we know that being an efficient and remun erative business and being a good steward of the environment are goals that can work together. Our broad environmental goals at Wal-Mart are simple and frank To be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy To create zero waste To sell products that sustains people and the environment. Our efforts have been recognized through legion(predicate) awards, which would not be possible with reveal the support of our customers, associates and communities around the world. (Wal-mart, 2012) Wal-Mart launched a orbicular business strategy of sustainability to lessen the businesss burden on the global environment and hence become one of the leading supply- strand companies in the world. They aimed to be named as the most competitive and innovative company in the world. The emphasis was whence on the fact that objective of profitability was going to be taken along with the implementation of development of the environment. (Wal-Mart, 2012) The management at Wal-Mart knew that they had to carry t he program of service of environment along with business profitability to gain sustainable operations and growth in longer term. Wal-Mart hired a popular firm, Blu Skye for an overall analysis of the environmental impact and for consultation on issues related to sustainability in the globalized world. Wal-Mart collaborated with other companies as well which included Conservation International (CI) and Environmental Defense (ED). ( Farfan, 2011) The group of Wal-Mart executives had identified 3 primary areas of environmental goals which mainly included energy, waste and products. All these are divided into two sections direct goals and indirect goals. Direct goals include increasing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy and reducing waste in retail operations. All these were in immediate control of Wal-Mart and can be classified as primary factors. Indirect goals included basic operations and relationship with the suppliers. They focused more on sustainable operatio ns and entire value chain of Wal-Mart. (Herrera, 2010) All the sustainable operations drive led by the management of Wal-Mart was highly confused as being more of philanthropist nature. After heartbreaking concerns and meeting, the idea was brought into the mind of many who were confused to clear all the misconceptions about the business handling being carried out. They stated that all the business activity carried out by Wal-Mart was not

Sunday, June 16, 2019

PDP - Personal Development Portfolio Assignment

PDP - Personal Development Portfolio - Assignment ExampleWeaknesses 1. Reduced ability to analyze the c erstwhilepts and the ideas in implementation of lecture information and data. 2. Experience with pitiful paper realise due to poor personal organization, 3. Easily got bored with education lecture and seminar as well as other routine work 4. Poor comprehensive planning skills preferred to use lesson plans rather than class notes 5. Poor skills needed in comprehension of text provided during classroom lectures and orientation seminars Opportunities 1. at that place was a new path direction in the career 2. New and imitating challenge also grew bigger 3. Gained a lot of experience in various surroundingss as well as gaining less restraints 4. There is no firm career progression as well as better earnings prospects existed. 5. Existed more autonomy in the career prospects Threats 1. There was not training qualifications 2. The experience in management lacked 3. Unaccustomed t o work in different working environment 4. Lacked commercial experience to compete extensively 5. Many trainers were aiming the job market SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Interest in technology and science Working to polish a career I require a first-class academic locale and attention in scientific acquaintance. It is also vital to keep posted and examination for once familiarity against knowledge (Brennan, 2003). Good communication A good communication skill is needed in order to be able to communicate with the career police squad and also to direct and encourage client. Comfort in using complex equipment Career seekers work with modern equipments and technology. Careful concentration to detail Good powers of charge are needed and must pay nearby awareness to produce and detail exceedingly precise work even when underneath pressure. Noble interpersonal skills Direct connection with team members i must be responsible, kind and have a sociable and proficient stance towards work and other members. convenient to labor as a team Functioning as chunk of a team whose shared focus is the meeting goals and objectives. i require to depict how all these dissimilar populace intertwine and get pleasure from functioning as a team. PROGRESS MADE Get a learning company. I got a job at a company well-known in its business for raising its people. When I work for this kind of company, I am registered in a constant expansion program that goes past the scientific skills needed for your present role. This creates a great base for a triumphant career (Gordon, 2006). wait tech-savvy- I forced myself to keep mechanical skills existing, even if fresh developments dont appear openly associated to my career job. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO DO Thinking global- In several industries physical barriers to business are receiving less relevance. Co-worker, customers and stakeholders at the present and upcoming can be from everywhere in the world. I require obtaining the skill to work insi de the global marketplace. Maintain a accomplishment journal. The moment to begin assessment concerning actions and skills should not be at the time one meddling for a new-fangled job (Brockbank, 1998). Edifice and uphold expert network. One should be raising associations with people both outside and within organization. This populace will be helpful as the view of work alters. IMPORTANT THINGS NEEDED IN OBTAINING A JOB Assess and assert your strengths on a recurrent basis. reconstruct up sensible and attainable

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Operations and Business Systems Management (OBSM) - Business Studies Essay

Operations and Business Systems Management (OBSM) - Business Studies - Essay Exampleny prioritizes some competitive criteria, according to market tendencies and concentrates its efforts to get a competitive position relating to concurrence (Santos et al., 2000, 2). The above issue was also examined by Rand (1999) who found that one of the most important advantages for a company that operates in the modernistic market is visibility which was defined by Rand as the capability to see and to understand the condition of the revenue-producing litigate as the revenue plan unfolds the condition of the process is determined by the products position in the supply chain relative to the actual demand, i.e., the process is in good condition if the product and all of its components roll in the hay be moved from their location in the process through the balance of the process in time to meet the date the product is scheduled to be shipped (Rand, 1999, 97). The above issues have to be considered when evaluating the corporate strategy followed by a company within a particular industrial sector. In this paper, Toyota is used as a sample firm in order to investigate the level of effectiveness of corporate strategic plan as it is usually structured in most manufacturing companies around the world. The particular elements of the above companys strategy (i.e. the most significant parts of its strategic plan) are then used in order to test the companys ability to achieve its targets with a special reference to the process types and layout types that the company has chosen to use within the borders limit by its strategic plan. Finally, the capacity strategy adopted by the organization is identified and evaluated taking into account the companys internal and external environment and mostly its competitors both in the local and the global market.Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the most significant corporations in the automobile industry. The company was founded in 1894 and has before long become one of the worlds leading competitors in its area of

Friday, June 14, 2019

Review and Critically Evaluate the Relevance and Contribution of HR to Essay

Review and Critically Evaluate the Relevance and Contribution of HR to Organisational Success and Effective Change instruction - Essay poserArmstrong defines human mental imagery management as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisations most valued assets the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives (cited in Stolt, 2010, p.2). This paper will critically evaluate the relevance and contribution of HR to organisational success and useful change management. Contribution of HR to organisational success In the todays competitive business environment, HR plays a pivotal role in ascertain the organisations operational efficiency and profitability. As Wright (2003) believes, many of the corporate scandals over the last few decades can be attributed to the failure of HR. A spell of studies have indicated that HR evidently contributes to organisational success. Importance of receipts sector has b een steadily increasing for the last two decades and hence the economy tends to be more service based. Hence, it is essential for organisations engaged in service sector to keep their workers motivated and productive. According to Valencia (n.d), there is a close connection between employee motivation and employee productivity. Studies assign that financial incentives and other employee benefits are the best ways to keep employees motivated. A firms HR management deals with all types of employee benefits including healthcare, retirement, dependent care, college tuition, and worksite accident claims (NC part of Health and Human Services, 2012). In addition to employee benefits that are mandated by law, organisations voluntarily provide their employees with some additional benefits. For this purpose, HR managers explore employees actual family needs and thereby make the firms employee benefits packages flexible enough to help the company save m championy (Reference for Business, 201 2). Even in manufacturing and traditional industries, competitiveness has become one of the major determinants of organisational success and therefore firms in these sectors frame strategies that facilitate economic and efficacious use of their resources. It is evident that human capital is the most important resource of an organisation and hence effective HR strategies would assist the firm to make its employees more productive. Increased productivity would directly contribute to an increase in revenues and thereby profitability. In the view of Cohen et al (n.d), HR is a better strategy to ensure the firms long term sustainability. Evidences suggest that improved HR would be beneficial for an organisation to eliminate unnecessary costs resulting from production wastage, employee motivation programs, and rigorous sequence of quality checks (The Strategic Human Resource Management Model, n.d). HR system aids an organisation to ensure that its training programs are designed on the ba sis of focused and topical methods (Management study guide, n.d). Deb (2006) opines that effective human resource management may be a potential way to encourage employee creativity and thereby seize more expansional opportunities. When an employee is allowed to use his creativity, he may get the feeling that it is my organisation and such an employees view would directly contribute to organisational productivity. In order to ensure organisational su

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Multicultural Concerns in Marriage and Family Therapy Essay

Multicultural Concerns in Marriage and Family Therapy - Essay Example concord to the finding of the ancient Chinese history, the Hmong were a culturally unique set of Asian individuals that lived in the mountainous regions of Siberia, their original homeland. Sects of their civilization settled by the banks of the scandalmongering River in northern China who were later attacked by the Chinese for the fertile land present along the Yellow River. Thousands of Hmong people have resettled in the Western countries ever since the 1970s primarily in the United States. Others thou have returned to Laos under the UN-sponsored rehabilitation programs. There are about 8-12 million Hmong brisk in the southern parts of China. The remaining Hmong, approximately 1-2 million, are found in Laos, Northern Vietnam and Thailand due to the migration during the mid-1800s (Quincy, K, 1988) The Hmong kinship system is the core foundation garment regarding the social and biological structure among all the other systems prevailing in the Hmong society. It is a relationship based on blood and marital aspects and connects the blood relatives in the same clan, within other clans as well as between them. The Hmong that was born in the 18 major clans namely have established ties as the primary and most crucial relationship within their blood relatives but on the other hand, they do acknowledge their marital ties as secondary relationships among themselves and to those who go to other clans.This kinship system adopted by the Hmong clan plays an important role of an institution providing various essential functions to provide of the needs of the Hmong members, their extended family as well as the society. It divides the Hmong into 18 major clans which acts as a social organization providing lifetime support, both spiritual and material, to their clan members throughout their life. Marriage In The Hmong Culture Via The Rule of Exogamy The 18 clans of Hmong support the practice of marriage t hrough the rule of exogamy to both genders of the clans members allowing them to marry removed of their own clans. This rule of exogamy is a compulsory procedure which prohibits members belonging to the same clans to contract married to each other reason being the Hmong rationale which states that all members (in theory) of the same clans were biologically related in the beginning and have descended from the same ancestors and thus are actually brothers and sisters. Therefore they are not allowed to get married to each other within the same clans as their own. The Formal Marriage Request (Begging) By the Grooms Family The traditional Hmong marriage primarily occurred at an early age where the boys and girls were between the ages of 14 and 18 years (as cited in Lao Family Community of Minnesota, Inc. 1997). This formal marriage practice is started by the develops father along with his older married brothers who would go to the brides parents and make a formal marriage request. In case the groom has no father or elder married brothers, he could seek the aid of other male relatives or clan leaders to help him in place down the formal marriage r

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Course Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Course Work - Essay ExampleThe main clinical of the IAS19 was to provide the enumerateing and disclosure for the benefits for employees. The benefits for employees refer to all kinds of considerations that are given to the employees by the company for the services that are rendered to the company. The main aim of this standard is to account for the expenses for the employee benefits in the period that it was gain rather than in the period when it is paid or payable. This allows the finances to be in place and to ensure that the expenses are put down in the actual period rather than in any some other payable period.IASB plays a major role in the development of the amendments for the IAS 19. There are a number of amendments that the IASB has brought into the IAS 19 and Sir David Tweedie, IASB Chairman had mentioned, Pension costs are one of the most complex and obscure areas of accounting. The amendment issued today allows entities to choose a simpler, more transparent method of accounting than is commonly adopted at present. I hope that many entities will take the opportunity of improving their financial inform in this way (International Accounting Standards Board, 2004).As mentioned earlier, the basic principle of IAS 19 is, The cost of providing employee benefits should be recognised in the period in which the benefit is earned by the employee, rather than when it is paid or payable (Deolitte, 2010). Considering the standards there are a few differences that need to be considered and understood. These are as discussed belowa) suddenly term Benefits There refer to the employee benefits that are required to be settled within the twelve months that the employee renders services. The benefits that classify under this heading include salaries, wages and other benefits like sick leave, bonuses and non monetary benefits as well. This does not require any actuarial valuation hence there is no need and

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

My Dinner with Andre movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Dinner with Andre - Movie Review ExampleFor one, Wally and Gregory are both theater enthusiasts and actors. For instance, Gregory found it amazing to be in a subtlety forest with huge trees and diverse people and beautiful women. Gregory depicts a character who is fascinated to the tiny details of life and who enjoyed life to the fullest despite lifes oddities. Moreover, Gregory narrates how every detail in life, say in a production, is connected with one another to make a whole picture of beauty. More so, thither is also transcendence in fantasies to reality and finite to infinite (Hendrix 8) as shown in Gregorys hallucinations out from the reality when he was aboard on a plane, among other situations that he told. Humanism was also discussed in the movie. The value of being a human is emphasized in their conversation, and rational thought, instead of spirituality was as well as emphasized. The humanism was depicted in the constant search for self-actualization, fulfillment, an d intellectual quest. Furthermore, both Wally and Gregory depicted a picture of two people who have different ways of searching for the meaning of life. Both realized that life goes on in a fast pace and in an unpredictable way, and certainly it will pass on to death. The reality seems to be lost during a tip of fantasizing, in Gregorys example, during a sexual encounter. People tend to lose all of their precious memories during that period of euphoria, and once one gets back to consciousness, everything he imagined just vanished. However, fantasy and reality both are related. The former is a product of an imperfect world in the real setting. Fantasy is a creative masterpiece of the mind which has the possibility of saving to reality. Knowledge is also highlighted in the movie. The exchanges of conversation were products of knowledge which lead to erudition that lifes celebrations and emotions can be analyzed. Fright and love can be explained in terms of knowledge to act with t he other person involved. Gregory verbalise that if there is no act to be involved with the other person, all relationships are all bounded with duty. In the postmodern world, Gregory discussed sciences irony, from bringing enlightenment to inaccuracies and doubts it brought chaos and danger to the present world. Simply saying, knowledge, as a precursor to science, can become dangerous. Based on the movie, Andre Gregory represents the humanistic branch of ism because of his beliefs about preserving the human constitution. For instance, he believes that the humanity needs a new language, specifically the language of the heart. He believes that creating a language that connects everything and everyone makes one understand the nature in its entirety. Wally, on the other hand, represents metaphysics, based on his dialogues regarding the existence of the world and its connection to the human beings, and what is reality. Moreover, he displays some concepts in logic as shown in his anal ysis regarding the correctness of analyzing things as products of science collectively. Both of them played accurately their roles, as seemingly the audience and the

Monday, June 10, 2019

Mgt checkpoint 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mgt checkpoint 3 - Essay ExampleThe article also considers the personnel professionals to be responsible for managing substance ill-treatment in the work place. This include offering guidance and counseling to people affected by substance abuse. Employees ar able to perform and meet their expectations if they are free from destructive habits. Most employees get involved in substance abuse due to work related issue such as stress. effect professional such as supervisors are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that employees within an brass instrument perform to their expectations. Supervisors are therefore responsible for ensuring that employees within their organization unfold a life that is free from substance abuse.Supervisors within an organization face issue of diversity in their daily responsibilities. Substance abuse is common broker that contribute to the diversity of employees within an organization. Supervisors can use learning contained in Smits and Pace artic le to formulate policies for the management of substance abuse in their workplace. The information can also be used to articulate workers such that they avoid getting involved in drug abuse. This will greatly help the organization to meet its

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Explain the types of advantages highlighted by John Dunning in the Essay - 1

Explain the types of advantages full(prenominal)lighted by John Dunning in the Eclectic Paradigm. In what ways does this theory repersent an advance on those of earlier theorists - Essay exampleThe theory of electric paradigm seeks to provide a general perspective for determining the degree and pattern for both domestic and foreign-owned production companies. Dunning does not altogether consider organization structure as significant but also added three significant theoretical factors including ownership, location and internalization advantages. The major aim of introducing the OLI-model was to flux the international economic theories into one approach. Dunning also distinguishes different types of foreign direct investments thus, the model takes into considerations the resources of the country, location advantages and ownership advantages. Thus, Dunning identifies ownership, location and internalization (OLI) advantages some of which offer the story to the chronological acts of domestic and foreign-owned production.Ownership-specific advantages are the competitive advantages of the companies seeking to connect in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Therefore, companies that highly engage in foreign production have high chances of achieving competitive advantages. The ownership advantages are connected to the size and market position of the specific firm and these ownership advantages are often referred as monopolistic or competitive advantages (Cantwell and Narula 2001, p.111). They are advantages to the specific firm because they are the main asset for the specific firm. They also offer the firm a market position or cost advantage over a certain firm thus enabling the firm to achieve effective business performance. Therefore, it is vital to develop and cling to the ownership advantages because competitors may attempt to infringe or copy them. These advantages are further divided into standard ownership advantages, benefits of being a multinational try and benefits derived from belonging to large industry. First, the standard ownership advantages are those advantages that an industry requires to compare with other rival industries in a

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Reaction against hydrogen peroxide Essay Example for Free

Reaction against heat content hydrogen hydrogen hydrogen peroxide EssayThe action of catalase on hydrogen peroxide Aim The aim of this experiment is to discover the relationship surrounded by the concentration of the subst treasure and the gait of the reception catalysed by an enzyme, by expression at the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide under the action of catalase, and to determine a value for Vmax and the Michaelis constant for catalase. Background Theory An enzyme is a protein biological catalyst. Catalysts run up or slow down the rate at which chemical reactions occur. They are not used up in the reactions and can be retrieved unvaried afterwards. Biological catalysts control the rate of reactions in living things.Each enzyme is substrate specific it can control only one reaction. For example, the digestion of starch is begun in the verbalise by the enzyme amylase. An equation for this reaction can be shown like this Amylase Starch Simple sugars The enzyme onl y facilitates the reaction, it is not used up. Each molecule of enzyme can be reused indefinitely, unless it is damaged, or denatured. Enzymes are proteins, so they are denatured if the polypeptide chains, which are precisely coiled and folded to form the active site, become unfolded by the kinetic energy from heat, or the covalent bonds are disrupted.Whilst some heat ordain profit the rate of reaction because of the increased number of collisions between enzyme and substrate, too much heat will denature the enzyme and render it completely ineffective. Enzymes are also affected by the pH at which they have to work. Charged hydrogen or hydroxide ions in acids or alkalis can cancel go forth the charges on the active sites of the enzymes, and render them ineffective. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxin produced in every cell of living organisms as a by-product of respiration.It is the same chemical that is used to bleach hair, and so must be broken down before it can damage the cells. It d ecomposes to hallow water and type O. This reaction will occur naturally, but at a very slow rate. To speed it up an enzyme is used. The enzyme which catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is called catalase. Catalase is run aground in all living cells to decompose the hydrogen peroxide. In this experiment it is being obtained from live yeast in a suspension. The method by which catalase works is called the lock and key method.Catalase works because it has an active site. At this point the enzyme attaches to the hydrogen peroxide molecule, because the opposite charges of enzyme and substrate attract each other, forming an enzyme substrate complex. The enzyme catalyses the reaction, and then the new-made charges on the product repel the enzyme away to act on a new substrate molecule. (see fig 1) The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide has the following practice catalase 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 The rate of a reaction is a respect of the change in the amount of reactant or prod uct with time.The rate of decomposition H2O2 can be heedful using the volume of oxygen produced, from the formula Rate of reaction = change in amount of product time The rate of reaction is determined by collision theory- For a reaction between two substances to occur, the enzyme and substrate particles must collide with each other. If more collisions occur in a reaction, rate will increase. If the reactant particles gain energy and collide faster, then each collision will have more energy, there will be more booming collisions, and rate will also increase.In this case, the more collisions between hydrogen peroxide and catalase molecules, the more hydrogen peroxide will decompose. Anything which increases collisions will increase rate. change magnitude the concentration of the substrate (hydrogen peroxide) solution means that there are more substrate molecules in the same volume, causing more collisions, and thus increasing rate. The rate of reaction changes with concentration, b ut the overall yield of oxygen is independent of factors affecting the rate, so measuring the amount of oxygen produced over the whole reaction is meaningless.Instead, the sign rate of reaction can be estimated by measuring the volume of oxygen produced in the early stages of the reaction. This value can then be compared between the different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, and used to plot a graph of substrate concentration against rate, from which values for Vmax and the Michaelis constant (Km) can be obtained. The relationship between substrate concentration and rate of reaction is described by the Michaelis-Menton equation v = Vmax S Km + S.Vmax is a measure of the maximum rate at which an enzyme can act, and it is the horizontal asymptote of the graph of substrate against time that is when the amount of enzyme is the limiting factor. The Km is defined as the substrate concentration at which the rate of enzyme action is half Vmax. It is measure of the affinity of an enzym e for its substrate molecule the higher Km, the weaker the binding force between the enzyme and substrate. Both Km and Vmax are constants at a specific enzyme concentration and temperature. pilot film ExperimentA pilot experiment was carried step up in revise to see whether the method was practical and could produce good, reliable results, and to choose the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and the length of time over which the oxygen would be calm so that no more than 50cm3 of gas was given off. Pilot Method 1. 10cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution was measured into stewing tubes using a syringe, and the apparatus set up as shown below. 2. Using a 1cm3 syringe the yeast suspension was added to the boiling tube and the stopwatch started. 3.Thirty seconds was timed, and then the burette was taken off the end of the delivery tube, but not out of the water, and the volume of gas collected was measured. 4. This was recorded and repeated for each concentration of hydrogen peroxide, made up as shown in the dilution tables below. Pilot Results Concentration of hydrogen peroxide Initial reading on burette (cm3) Final reading on burette (cm3) Volume of gas collected (cm3) Rate of reaction (cm3/s) to 2dOff scale. Analysis of and Modifications to the Pilot These results show a clear increase in the volume of gas collected as the concentration increases, suggesting that with modifications this method will enable clear conclusions to be move. Carrying the experiment out over 30s resulted in too much gas being produced at the highest concentration to be recorded with the apparatus available, so for the main experiment the oxygen will be collected over 15s. More readings will be taken to enable a more reliable graph to be drawn at9 and 20%.The experiment will be repeated three times and any anomalous results will be identified and excluded from the average in order to enable more reliable results. Prediction I predict that initially the rate of reaction will increa se with the concentration. As the concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases so will the number of collisions between enzyme and substrate molecules, so the hydrogen peroxide will decompose faster into water and oxygen. I predict that this reaction will obey Michaelis-Menton kinetics, and that the graph of rate of reaction against hydrogen peroxide concentration will give a rectangular hyperbola as shown belowThe increase in rate of reaction will not continue indefinitely there will be an asymptote when Rate = Vmax, when all the catalase molecules are catalysing the reaction as fast as possible, and so the rate cannot increase without supplying more enzyme. Main Experiment Plan Fair Test A fair interrogatory is one from which a reliable conclusion can be drawn. For a fair test only one variable must be changed at a time. In this experiment the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is being changed, and so all others must be controlled. Variables.Independent Variable- concentration of hydrogen peroxide Dependent Variable- volume of oxygen gas collected in 15s Controlled Variables- temperature, volume of hydrogen peroxide, amount of yeast, apparatus, time. The reaction will be carried out in a water bath at 20? C. Since water is a good thermal buffer it should be fairly easy to carry through the temperature constant. Volume of hydrogen peroxide solution will be controlled quite easily by using two syringes to measure the water and hydrogen peroxide volumes as dictated by the dilution table below.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Concentration Camp Sourcework Essay Example for Free

Concentration Camp Sourcework EssayIn Source 5 Reitlinger says that more than a hundred thousand people must strike known. If this is correct then why did no-one take the blame for it at the end of the war? Or even do anything to help the Jews? How well supported this title of respect is depends on the other sources. Source two agrees with Reitlingers claim as it says All the same rumours did circulate about dreadful deeds in the East this concurs with had not heard the same story in Reitlingers source. Also in Source 2 it says Because of the Nazis much publicised resettlement plans this again agrees with Jews had disappeared in Reitlingers source.In completion Reitlinger is supported, by Source 2, about rumours world spread and that people had seen Jews disappear. Source three is a very neutral source to the credibility of Reitlingers as it says Workers at an extermination centre in Austria were told Keep quiet about this or face the death penalty this almost contradict s what Reitlinger says about people knowing about the camps. If the workers in the camps were threatened with their lives then would the hardly gossip to neighbours?Also in source three is says that when the crematoria were turned on it caused a power- outage outside Dachau, the people would obviously admit if their power was turned off so this supports Reitlingers claims. Source 6 contains much information and it supports Reitlingers claims as it contains information concerning an SS man declaring on a specify that 2000 Jews were being murdered every week at Auschwitz if this SS man was concerned about secrecy would he get hold of said it on a busy train?Source 6 also goes into some detail about the BBC laughing a broadcast campaign on the extermination of the Jews which provided information for any Germans that held a radio and it also says that The leaflets dropped by Allied planes also relayed information on the annihilation policy I think that the German people would have ha d copious information to confirm the rumours they might have heard. Source 8 contradicts Reitlinger as it says All swore that during the past few years they had no idea what had been going on in the camp outside their town this is important to note as the people themselves are saying they hadnt heart anything.There is a possibility that they could have been lying or faking their knowledge of the situation as evidence shows the general knowledge of people living around the camps. Source 10 supports Reitlinger as the reason says The Jews are disappearing in throngs this matches with Source 5s not know most of the Jews had disappeared I would have to conclude that Reitlinger was probably correct in his estimate of German knowledge of the concentration camps as a good portion of the evidence in the sources tells us that it is plausible to estimate figures as grand as a hundred thousand people.I think many of the Germans did in fact know about the camps either by the rumours or by ra dio or by information pamphlets and therefore it begs the question as to why they didnt do anything to help the suffering Jews. Were they afraid of the strict penalties? Some had put their lives on the string by telling people about the camps why didnt they do anything? The answer to this is that although the people may have known there was nothing that they could have through to stop it completely and therefore could not be really held responsible for not helping.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Catherine Parker Essay Example for Free

Catherine Parker EssayThere are a variety of varied types of annalss used in literary texts and motion-picture shows. In the adaptation process from apologue to film, the visual narrative of the film also needs to be considered, whereas the novel is solely dependant on the pen word and the readers imagination. Harper Lees To Kill a flouter and Lemony Snicketts A Series of Unfortunate Events chiffonier be used to investigate the use of narrative in both text and film and the differences that occur in the adaptation process. When writing the novel, there is a greater opportunity to vary the style of narrative in order to provide the reader with as much information as possible, whereas in the film adaptation the addition of the visual narrative removes the opportunity to vary between various styles and it becomes much more definite. As a result of the visual information, the narrative is further affected by factors such as how something is said and the visual actions that ac company the words.Film complicates literary narration by practicing two parallel and cross forms of narration the verbal narration, whether through voice-over and/or the speech of characters, and the films capacity to show the world and its appearances a partitioning from voice-over and character narration. (Stam, 35) Lees novel employs the use of first person narrative through the female-child voice of Scout.However, in A Series of Unfortunate Events, the third person narrative used in the text has been maintained in the film via the use of voice-over, a technique often avoided by many directors and film producers. When adapting a novel, definite decisions have to be made, such as where and when the events are located and the exact time period in which events take put down, and the narrative becomes a part of this.To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel concerned with time and at certain points in the story, time is presented as moving fairly slowly, even suspended at propagation as t he characters themselves watch the action, the spectators were quiet (Mockingbird, 185). There is also a cyclical notion of time present as the story moves through the seasons and events take place over a number of years, shown through Dills annual summer visits to his Aunt Rachel, and the development of the children, particularly Jem.When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident (Mockingbird, 9). Throughout both the novel and the adaptation, time is used as part of this narrative structure as there is a multi-layer of time as well as a multi-layer of narration. in the motion-picture, a first-person angle of vision functions in the first place to provide transitions and shifts in time and place (Shackelford).The film becomes much more dependant on the narrative in order to portray this time traverse as the visual narrative will not show this development as effectively without using more than once actor to play the different ages of the children. The novel is written from the perspective of Scout, Jean Louise Finch, the youngest member of the Finch family. This use of the female child narrator may suggest that the narrative will be different to traditional, stereotypical novels of the time, due to the female-child narrator describing events involving rape and racial issues.However, what aids the text in being so successful is the fact that Scout doesnt pay back her narrative solely to events she has experienced herself, she also relays stories other people have told her and information she has overheard. hatful said he existed, but Jem and I had never seen him. People said he went out at night (Mockingbird, 15). Although it is through the voice of Scout that the story is being told, she does relay certain events as a watcher, free the feeling of a third person narrative and enabling the audience to gain other peoples opinions and make their own judgements.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Religion The Sacred And Rituals Theology Religion Essay

Religion The Sacred And Rituals Theology Religion EssayThis paper allow for discuss the challenges of both the Moslem and Catholic religion in terms of defining the rituals, how members practice their religion and the overall terms of their fear.Comparing is not an faint task as Islam and Catholicism are complete ends of the spectrum. For both religions claiming to be peace loving people, who share most of the same religious texts, and pull in numerous common beliefs they often cannot get along. Neither religion will tolerate or begin to accept the other religions if strictly and literally practiced by either Islam or Catholicism.Religion is a personal choice and as a good deal as it is a choice, it should be respected by other religions as well. It does not matter what your beliefs are, if you are truly devoted to your faith, you will understand the need for religious tolerance. Religious tolerance is something that is borne out of a complete devotion to your faith. You wi ll honor and accept your religion as something personal however, in the same regard, you will accept the statements, practices and traditions of other religions as wellIn some ways, Islam and Catholicism parallel each other. Although the rituals, requests and history are different, they basically mirror each other in the basic aspects. The word Islam means submission or surrender in Arabic. To be submissive, means to be submissive to the will of Allah. Catholics hold a Trinitarianism belief that God is three persons in one, the Father, the Son and The sacred Spirit. Muslims, or followers of Islam, maintain that Allah is one God and has no equal and no partner. (Dolphin, undated).Islamic doctrine is based on four separate principles or sources the Quran, ijtihad (individual thought), the Sunnah (traditions) and ijma or community consensus. The Quran is to the Muslims, the Word of God, as the Bible is to Catholics. Unlike the Bible, the Quran was believed to be delivered from Allah , to the Angel Gabriel. The Quran is divided in to receipts surahs or chapters. Each of the early readings revealed in Mecca, are ethical and spiritual. The early readings also include the Day of Judgment. The surahs in later chapters, teach social, political and good teaching for the communities. (Dolphin, undated). Muslims are uncertain as to whether they will go to heaven or not. However, like the Catholic religion, there are certain steps that moldiness be taken to ensure eternal life.The 5 Pillars of the Islam faith are Confession of cartel (Shahada), Salat (prayer), Sawm (fasting during the month of Ramadan), Zakat (contributing tithings) and Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims recite the Shahada or, Confession of Faith La ilaha illaLlah wa Muhammadun rasuluLlah. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allahs prophet.The Quran has six main teachings and like the Catholic faith, each must be adhered to in order to receive a lowest reward. The first teaching is that you must believe in Allah. To believe in Allah is to believe in the teachings of the Quran and no other. The word of Allah comes directly from the Quran and there is no room for interpretation by man. Muslims believe the message delivered to the Angel Gabriel is unadulterated and therefore implicit. The second teaching is belief in the Angels who are the messengers of Allah. Although Muslims do not submit to Allah, they submit to the teachings of Allah. Allah is not to be questioned. To question Allah or his humans is to deny the existence of his will. The tercet teaching is belief in the Books, you must believe in the Messengers, you must believe in the Day of Judgment. Although there is judgment at the time of death, the final judgment comes at the end of time. The final belief is that Muslims have to believe implicitly in fate. The Quran teaches that God has determined both good and evil.By acknowledging the teachings of the Quran, one acknowledges there is no other religion. To c onsider worship in another religion is to blaspheme Allah. The Quran does not recognize messiah as the Son of God. Muslims do not acknowledge Jesus death or Resurrection. Fundamental Islam teaches that Jesus was nothing more than a mere prophet and denies the existence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a Trinity. Allah and his will are the final word. In essence, Allah is the Master (abd) and Muslims are his slaves (abd). To submit totally to the Master is to have complete faith in Allah. (Robinson, 2012)The Catholic faith can be just as confusing and just as intricate as the Islamic faith. The Catholic Church is full of rituals and traditions that are questioned by many. The Catholic Church recognizes that Jesus was born of the Virgin bloody shame, suffered and died on the Cross for our sins. To many, the existence of a virgin birth is inconceivable. Catholics recognize God as Our Father. However, that does not mean that God and the Virgin bloody shame conceived Jesus. The Ca tholic religion teaches that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and became man. The conception of Jesus was Immaculate and therefore, The Virgin Mary is recognized as our puzzle. (The Holy See, 2012).Mary is not worshiped on the same level as Our Father. Mary is revered as the Mother of Jesus and although Catholics do not specifically pray to Mary, they ask for her intercession through Jesus Christ, her Son. The Hail Mary is the prayer most often associated with reverence for the Virgin Mother. The word Hail is used not as a title to acknowledge Mary as organism on the same level with Jesus or the Father. It is merely used as a greeting. The word, Hail was used in biblical times much as we usethe greeting, Hello today.Catholics also recite the Rosary, which is another form of ritualistic prayer. The Rosary is not mentioned in the Bible, it is not a mandatory teaching or tradition. It is a man-made prayer which when said properly, allows Catholics to reflect and meditate on the teach ings and life of Jesus Christ. From the Annunciation by Marys cousin Elizabeth that she was going to be the Mother of the Most Holy One to the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Rosary is used as a teaching tool.The Catholic Church was founded over 2000 years agone on the Pentecost. This was the day the Holy Spirit appeared to the Apostles. As Muslims recite the Shahada, Catholics recite the Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and populace and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died and was buried. He descended into Hell the third day He arose once more from the dead He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. The Apostles Creed once again, is a historical account of the life of Jesus. It is the basic belief that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, became man and ultimately died for our sins.One interesting concept that differs between the Catholic, and Islamic faith is tolerance for killing. It specifically states in the Ten Commandments, one thousand shalt not kill. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mount Sinai and are the framework of a Christian life. The Ten Commandments are basic rules for every Christian and/or Catholic to pattern their lives after. There is no room for interpretation of the Ten Commandments. Although the Commandments are depicted in a particular order, there does not look to be a Commandment which, when broken, is more severe than the others.Islam has tolerance for killing non-combatants. The Quran calls for the elimination of all and any non-Muslim invaders. If the result is death of the invader(s), the Quran cons iders it to be collateral damage. In order to keep the Muslim faith pure, it is considered perfectly acceptable to extinguish the lives of any person who does not accept the Quran and the Muslim way of life as their own.The teaching of some radical Imams additionally allows for the killing of Israelis who could as adults join the Israeli army, once again based on the belief that the Quran allows for the elimination of anyone who may interfere with the teachings of Islam. Teachings from the Quran that incite the radical Muslims result in the acceptance of suicide bombings, suicide missions such as the September 11th attacks on the United States and every other form of terrorism that radical Muslims have engaged in over the years.In the Catholic religion, there is zero tolerance for the murder of anyone opposed to the teachings and beliefs of the Church. At this juncture, the Catholic religion deems abortion as murder and will excommunicate any adult female who, for whatever reason, opts to terminate a pregnancy. There is no exception for a pregnancy that is a result of rape, incest or any other act that results in the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. In the Catholic view, human life begins at conception. In this sense, it could be viewed as a radical opposition to the choice of a woman to choose whether or not to carry a fetus to term even in the mother is incapable of performing her duties as a nurturer. One example of this type of pregnancy would be for a severely mentally disabled woman to become impregnated. In the eyes of the Catholic Church, it does not matter that the quality of life for the child may be severely diminished. It is not a concern if the life of the mother is endangered either. equivalent the Ten Commandments, there is no room for interpretation. Human life begins at conception.For Muslims and Catholics to coexist, there has to be some form of religious tolerance. Although the basic teachings are similar, when the beliefs and tradit ions are altered from their original state, that leaves room for views that become tainted by man to conform to his personal, political and self-righteous beliefs.