Friday, June 7, 2019

Concentration Camp Sourcework Essay Example for Free

Concentration Camp Sourcework EssayIn Source 5 Reitlinger says that more than a hundred thousand people must strike known. If this is correct then why did no-one take the blame for it at the end of the war? Or even do anything to help the Jews? How well supported this title of respect is depends on the other sources. Source two agrees with Reitlingers claim as it says All the same rumours did circulate about dreadful deeds in the East this concurs with had not heard the same story in Reitlingers source. Also in Source 2 it says Because of the Nazis much publicised resettlement plans this again agrees with Jews had disappeared in Reitlingers source.In completion Reitlinger is supported, by Source 2, about rumours world spread and that people had seen Jews disappear. Source three is a very neutral source to the credibility of Reitlingers as it says Workers at an extermination centre in Austria were told Keep quiet about this or face the death penalty this almost contradict s what Reitlinger says about people knowing about the camps. If the workers in the camps were threatened with their lives then would the hardly gossip to neighbours?Also in source three is says that when the crematoria were turned on it caused a power- outage outside Dachau, the people would obviously admit if their power was turned off so this supports Reitlingers claims. Source 6 contains much information and it supports Reitlingers claims as it contains information concerning an SS man declaring on a specify that 2000 Jews were being murdered every week at Auschwitz if this SS man was concerned about secrecy would he get hold of said it on a busy train?Source 6 also goes into some detail about the BBC laughing a broadcast campaign on the extermination of the Jews which provided information for any Germans that held a radio and it also says that The leaflets dropped by Allied planes also relayed information on the annihilation policy I think that the German people would have ha d copious information to confirm the rumours they might have heard. Source 8 contradicts Reitlinger as it says All swore that during the past few years they had no idea what had been going on in the camp outside their town this is important to note as the people themselves are saying they hadnt heart anything.There is a possibility that they could have been lying or faking their knowledge of the situation as evidence shows the general knowledge of people living around the camps. Source 10 supports Reitlinger as the reason says The Jews are disappearing in throngs this matches with Source 5s not know most of the Jews had disappeared I would have to conclude that Reitlinger was probably correct in his estimate of German knowledge of the concentration camps as a good portion of the evidence in the sources tells us that it is plausible to estimate figures as grand as a hundred thousand people.I think many of the Germans did in fact know about the camps either by the rumours or by ra dio or by information pamphlets and therefore it begs the question as to why they didnt do anything to help the suffering Jews. Were they afraid of the strict penalties? Some had put their lives on the string by telling people about the camps why didnt they do anything? The answer to this is that although the people may have known there was nothing that they could have through to stop it completely and therefore could not be really held responsible for not helping.

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