Monday, June 10, 2019

Mgt checkpoint 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mgt checkpoint 3 - Essay ExampleThe article also considers the personnel professionals to be responsible for managing substance ill-treatment in the work place. This include offering guidance and counseling to people affected by substance abuse. Employees ar able to perform and meet their expectations if they are free from destructive habits. Most employees get involved in substance abuse due to work related issue such as stress. effect professional such as supervisors are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that employees within an brass instrument perform to their expectations. Supervisors are therefore responsible for ensuring that employees within their organization unfold a life that is free from substance abuse.Supervisors within an organization face issue of diversity in their daily responsibilities. Substance abuse is common broker that contribute to the diversity of employees within an organization. Supervisors can use learning contained in Smits and Pace artic le to formulate policies for the management of substance abuse in their workplace. The information can also be used to articulate workers such that they avoid getting involved in drug abuse. This will greatly help the organization to meet its

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